You would have gotten to see the cool visuals, then moved on with your day. It would actually have been a better product if it had lasted 3 minutes and been free. This is honestly just a neat tech demo that they tried to turn into a game by cramming a pointless story that has no relevance into a "stumbling through the dark" environment that they inexplicably stretched into an hour or so.

It added no value to the play experience, and was actually more annoying than intriguing. There is nothing going on here, nothing to find, nothing to do but move forward.Īnd this is some kind of convoluted, meandering, contrived story with no beginning, no end, no resolution, nothing to tie the disparate elements to one another. I ran through the whole game again in a single sitting (it's very short), thinking I MUST have missed the entire point of the game somehow, but, nope, I didn't miss anything. Just keep moving, then, oh, there's the end. Just plow on ahead because there's nothing to see or do here.

I took a bit of time the first play through, really looking in every nook and cranny, trying to FIND something, anything, constantly thinking I was missing something. You can run through the whole game in a very short time, and there's really very little to DO other than look around. It's amazing how pretty a simple array of dots can be when swinging around to create a perception of 3d space. I got the game because of the very interesting visual style and the unique concept of stumbling through the dark while manually building your visuals.